About Author

From narrating school plays to writing melodramatic short stories, Kim Greer has always enjoyed telling stories that entertain and enlighten. As a fiction writer, she imagines thoughtful but flawed characters who engage and enrage readers in her stories that celebrate love, mourn societal discord, examine relationships, and prompt us to take a closer look at ourselves.

Kim’s passion for connecting audiences with a good read has bled into all facets of her life. A journalist by training, she earned her BA in English Language and Literature from the University of Virginia and an MS in Journalism from Columbia University.

For nearly three decades, she’s helped corporations, nonprofits, and others tell their stories and build their brands. Kim lives in northern Virginia with her fabulous husband of 26 years, the youngest of their three sons, and their Rottweiler, Oba.

What Readers Say Reviews

“There was nothing to dislike about this book. I rate it 4 out of 4 stars and recommend it to people who love an unpolished love story.”

Unique Ego

“A unique feature of Masked Intent is that it contains snippets of “Truth.” expressed through an ominous female human voice. It alternates between Alexa’s and Mateo’s points of view, with commentary from Truth. This allows the reader to become fully delved into the characters and story. The plot is enticing and well-developed. Kimberly Greer hooks you in by surrounding Truth and the ending with mystery, to be continued in the sequel.”

The International Review of Books

…there is real craft and ingenuity behind Greer’s prose. Narratively and stylistically there’s control and clarity with enough freshness in her approach to make Masked Intent feel wholly original. But the real gem to
be found here is how plausibly, and how patiently, Greer fills the spaces of ordinary living with characters who are vulnerable but undauntable to the last glorious cliffhanger of a page.”

Book Viral Reviews

“The book is very well written and detailed which brought the story to life for me. The writing style was new to me but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The very complex lead character left me with brutal questions to ask myself
about others and myself simply about the truth.”

C.J. Wills, Reviewer

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